Entry 0001 :: The March of Consistency
I got laid off. Then I got a job. Life was getting back to normal. I got laid off. Since then I have been looking for a job. Today I decided I would dig a bit deeper into something that has been nagging me: “Is there a way I can make money in the gig economy?” I think I would be good at it. As Gemini put it:
Building genuine connections is key for me. I strive to be clear, concise, courteous, and above all, empathetic to my client’s experience. Whether it’s a quick exchange or a detailed interaction, I aim to strike a balance between keeping things efficient and injecting a touch of lightheartedness to make the journey enjoyable for everyone.
I am not sure about the concise or courteous-ness. In fact sometimes I am not very clear either. I am better at keeping myself from floating above the clouds than I was 10–15 years ago. Ask my wife. You could ask my friends. You could ask my family. I think they were worried about me during my youth. There is a reason you get the word “Crazy” prefixed to your first name as a child. I know I am crazy. As I age I have learned to embrace the knowledge that other humans know I am crazy. It’s what fuels my creativity and that outside-the-box thinking.
I might be crazy to be interested in creating content for the internet. Since the second layoff I have been thinking about this topic. I have been thinking about the gig economy. I’m determined to learn and grow. Is the gig economy the perfect fit? Only time will tell. Is content creation viable? Only time will tell. Will I ever receive a paycheck again? Yes. One thing’s for sure, this journey is already pushing me outside my comfort zone and that’s never a bad thing.
It’s a hard thing. I enjoy challenges. #RealGrowth
What do you think? Have you considered the gig economy? Any advice for a newbie like me? Hit me with your comments below! I made a personal website. You can see it here.